Benefits of MISIC Membership
Members of MISIC have access to a wide range of tools and assistance, including:
- Support for district leadership in developing plans and strategies for implementing the Iowa Standards and for increasing student achievement in all content areas.
- Iowa Standards in math, literacy, science and social studies that include
- Descriptors that further define the standards by identifying the knowledge, skills and understandings students need to meet them
- Evidence of student mastery for each standard in math and literacy
- Key vocabulary words for each standard in math and literacy.
- Model standards for guidance, preschool, art, music, physical education, career‐tech in all fields, and 21st century skills
- Curriculum mapping software, Curriculum Manager, to track implementation of standards and create units of instruction in every content area. MISIC provides training and technical support for districts that elect to use the Curriculum Manager. Features include
- Drop‐down menus of pre‐loaded ICC and model standards
- Reports that track where each of the ICC standards are being taught
- Cross‐grade level yearly maps of what is being taught
- Training and support in the interpretation of student achievement data.
- This website that provides support, links and information to MISIC members on key educational issues
- Joint projects on a variety of timely and key topics in conjunction with educational agencies throughout the nation.
- Opportunities for networking and sharing among 160+ school district members, including three meetings in each region per year and multiple regional trainings.