• Meet the MISIC Team 

    We are excited to welcome three new people to the MISIC team. Get to know all of the team members now.

*Note: The links the blue boxes to the left (except Professional Learning) are currently only available to MISIC members.

News and Updates

Putting the Science of Reading into Practice – Grades K-2 & 3-5

You are invited to join us in Ames on October 22 for grades K-2 and/or October 24 for grades 3-5 to dig into what it means to align your instructional practices with the science of reading. You will walk away


Science of Reading for School Leaders

School Leaders – You are invited to join us in Ames on Tuesday, September 24 to gain tools and resources for leading the implementation of the science of reading in your district. Mark your calendar and register now for this


MISIC Board & Steering Committee Ballot

It is time for our annual election of the MISIC Board and Steering Committees. You will find the electronic ballot below to vote for your region. Please take a couple minutes to click the link below and vote by Friday,


MISIC is committed to helping schools develop and deliver education that is based on equity for all students, families, and staff. MISIC works to prepare and support school staff through the development of materials and resources that are free from bias and that promote teaching and learning to meet the needs of all students, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, disability, religion, and sexual orientation. We believe that all students and staff deserve to learn in an environment that values the identity and respects the needs of each individual student and staff member. MISIC is committed to a vision of education that is compassionate and supportive and that helps build a future of hope for all.

MISIC: Members Impacting Students; Improving Curriculum

We exist to support district leaders and teachers in building their confidence and capacity to design and deliver on a curriculum that prepares students for their futures.

In addition to teaching and learning materials, the consortium offers its members schools several different workshops on using data to create changes in classroom instruction. Consortium members are involved in helping build better testing system and instructional practices in statewide as well as national efforts. Members work closely with AEA personnel to impact instructional practice and to help teachers make informed instructional decisions.

Upcoming Events