During this time of uncertainty, it is very important for you to take care of yourself, while you are also trying to provide for your family and your students. You will find some ideas for self-care in the attached document. Self-care is all about taking care of your health and making sure you have everything you need to thrive in this challenging time. Without taking care of yourself, you won’t have the energy to help all those around you. 

We also have another version of the document available that will allow you to insert your school logo at the top and pass it along to others in your district and community. Let Jamie know if you have any trouble with the logo.

Social-Emotional Learning – Remote Learning Opportunities

MISIC has several opportunities for professional development and license renewal credit the can be completed remotely around Social and Emotional Learning with Micro-Credentials and Book Study Courses. We encourage you to explore these options to use in your district this spring. Let us know if there is anything else we can do to support you.

Your MISIC team is ready to answer your questions and respond to any needs. Please contact us at jamie@misiciowa.org

Self-Care Resources & Social-Emotional Learning

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